“Time to Pause…Time to Take A Breath.”


On Remembering

I opened this cupboard that belonged to my mother

On Resting My Pen

I break my pen

For what good is there if my words can’t speak my people’s pain

On Remaining

I will always remain a poet

In peace or in pain.

On Skin

I’ve made a prison cell out of my skin

My heart a fugitive

Always on the run

Charged with wild dreams

On Waiting

Time knows you

And your children by name

It ticks past you every day

Yet, you. Still. Wait

On Being

You may dress your flesh with the corrupted comfort of the city

You may starve your mother tongue of its fables


Conversation with a Night Sky

Let me ask you?

Where do you go when you’re not here?

Does the sky talk to you?”  


How many times have you been here? By here, I mean, here and now?

How often do you stop? How often do you look back? How often are you in motion?

The Old Man vs. Time