Poetry: A war time Poet

My land bleeds from the same hands that once gardened her

The soil now spits the blood of our fathers and mothers knocked down by the children they raised

the echo screams the collective silence of the bystanders, us

the poets

the artists

the composers

the historians of our generation

Too many voices to sound

Too many troops

Too many tales

Not enough listeners

I break my pen

For what good is there if my words can’t speak my people’s pain




Read more on: https://thebestofafrica.org/poetry/a-war-time-poet

Our mission at The Best of Africa is to open up conversations around topics that are often misinterpreted or ignored in mainstream media. There is more to African countries and African people beyond beautiful sunsets, safari’s and prevailing western narratives of war and poverty. We are real people with real talent and real experiences.