All Shook Up: A Global Anthology

Description: “Covid-19 is an opportunity to acknowledge our fears and our strengths; to work together to bring harmony into the world: forgive, assist, be kind, co- operate, and most of all, love. We were never meant to live a dog-eat-dog existence. This is a testing period. We are all shook up. Will I learn from this? Be different? Will I work with, instead of against, others? It’s up to me. This book is for the millions who come after us. May you be wiser for it.”

Michelle Friedman

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What started as a single poem progressed into a collection of art, photography and storytelling featuring musings from the hearts of creatives across the globe. All Shook Up encompasses individual outlooks of the trials faced and triumphs celebrated during the heart of the pandemic, uniquely shedding light on the inward and outward journeys of 31 participants embracing the distance through shared experiences via the written word and visual expression.What started as a single poem progressed into a collection of art, photography and storytelling featuring musings from the hearts of creatives across the globe. All Shook Up encompasses individual outlooks of the trials faced and triumphs celebrated during the heart of the pandemic, uniquely shedding light on the inward and outward journeys of 31 participants embracing the distance through shared experiences via the written word and visual expression