#ensemble Pandemic Voices and Views from sub-Saharan Africa

Honorary Mention

Description: The term ‚Ubuntu’ describes a form of philosophy of life that is particularly present within sub-Saharan society. The word comes from the Bantu language and means: humanity, sense of community, I am because you are. In the ‚Ubuntu philosophy’, one’s own personality and the community are closely related. In general, it follows the striving for a common, peaceful, harmonious and united society. Mutual respect, recognition and esteem are essential components of this worldview. In her poem ‚Death of Ubuntu’, Kalkidan Getnet asks how Africa will survive the pandemic – a time when ‚Ubuntu’ was (made) impossible. How can this spiritual attitude and practice anchored in earlier everyday life be regained and / or preserved?

Read more on: https://www.sabaa.education/sabaa-art-award-2021/

Providing a voice and visibility for this specific situation and change on our planet. Focusing on a limited, less-priority area (Sub-Saharan Africa seen from the global North), its coverage often hampered by preconceived ideas and attitudes. Putting the individual in the center with its hopes and fears, with its daily-life reality. Acknowledging that art and artworks foster insights of a special, extraordinary nature. Showcasing humanity. Exchange, share. Creating a discourse.