Conversation with Artist Girmachew Getnet

Interview/ Translation

Description: What's the deepest spiritual experience you've had while creating a certain art?

Whenever I am in my studio, I’m always in a meditative state. Not only in art but also in my daily life, I have learned to be so mindful that I have experienced deep moments such as toning out all human and surrounding sounds and focus on one specific sound like a bird’s chirping, or at times the movement of plants. I have a deep connection with nature as I believe, unlike mankind, nature by itself is truth.

Girmachew is an internationally-recognized artist from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, currently based in Frankfurt, Germany, known for large material canvases and cardboards with elevated, figurative, evocative, and surreal figures. Girmachew has showcased his works on various platforms such as “Mirror” at Kunstverein, “Girmachew” at Gallery ERMITá, “Ahune” at Gallery BRAUCHBACHfive, “My atelier/ My gedame“ at Gallery ERMITá and “Girmachew” at Gallery DOXA, to my group exhibitions as, “Facing”, Atelier Frankfurt; Blurring the Lines ; video Gallery Con (SPACE) ; “Frische rheinland-pfälzer Künstler” , Bundesbank; and Lela Gallery, to name the few.